About Me

Hey there! 

It's so good to have you here. 

My name is Diego Cuadros, and I'm the founder of English to Mind. 

I started this blog years ago in an effort to share my experience learning to speak English. 

(I abandonded the blog back then, but now I'm back!)

I can say that I learned English succesfully, and that's why I'm here, because I know that you need advice to finally learn to speak English from someone who achieved it sucessfully. 

Actually, I learned this language so good that even native speakers have thought I was born in one of these English speaking countries. 

But I never left my country... (at least not while I was learning English).

  • So, what was the secret? 
  • And, how did I get to this good level? 
Well, that's what this blog is all about...

I'll tell you everything I did, and I can even point you to some good resources I've used during my learning Journey.

I'm excited to share all of this with you, so if you're ready, head to the blog section and let's get started! 



The picture above is me when I was 20 years old (I'm almost bald now 😅), same year I started this blog and abandoned it, but I promise I'll update it soon. 😅

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